We’ve enterd our final mesocycle before the CF open and with the increased intensity of SFP program I need to put out my disclamier and recommendations.
This program is designed for you to give 100% effort each work out. To give 100% effort you must be taking care of yourself. Number 1 make sure you are eating enough, this program is intense and requires a body fueled up and ready to go hard. You can’t eat the same size meals that you did before, you’re going to need to up your caloric intake including your carbs.
I reccomemd eating lots of whole foods stay away from fast food and sweets. On the same token if it’s between you eating a cheese burger from Wendy’s and eating nothing at all by all means eat the cheese burger. As you get further in the cycle you will find out what works for your diet. Also as you get further into the cycle you should start eating cleaner foods while still maintaining a positive caloric expendeture. Eating clean is the best opition but I’m a realist and know this always doesn’t happen. Rule 2 eat your biggest meals prior to the heaviest training days.
Rest and recovery are your two key components With the increase in intensity you're going to need to take an extra rest day or two a week. When you work out you damage your musclse and body. You body gets bigger and stronger on your rest days not your training days. Take care of yourself on your rest days use a foam roller, a lacrosse ball, work on mobility and possibly very light cardio but keep your rest days rest no impromptu work outs.
Lastly a couple reccomdations. Drink plenty of water every day, the old rule was 64oz a day. That’s a good place to start but I would suggest exceeding 64 oz. For my size and activity level I should drink around 80oz of water a day. If you eat a healthy diet you can get about 20% of your water through food. Your urine should be releativley clear if it starts to look more like coca-cola drink more water.
Take a multi-vitiam eveyday. That mutlt-vitiam should have at leat 100% of your daily vitiam C needs. Vitiamin C boots your immune system and tough training days can weaken you immune system especially with it being flu season you want to keep your immune system up. The last thing I suggest if you have the monetary means is to take fish oil. Fish oil has a long list of benefits incldung natural anti-imflammtory properites and improved brain function. Most recommdations say to take 2-4 grams of EPA/DHA(fish oil) a day.
2 position Snatch - start from the hang and then go from the floor/ high to low( opposite from video)
5 x 1@ 80%
Clean pull- Clean + 2 Jerks (bar doesn't touch the ground between jerks)
5 x 1 @ 80%
Back squat 3 x 3@ 80%
Barbell row super set with band face pulls with external rotation ( starts 55 seconds into clip)
3 x 10
Daily WOD
5 x Prowler Push 1 lap(all the way down and back 60 yards ) 180/140
Rest 1 min between laps
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