4 week Pull Up Program

Four-Week Pull Up Program

This is a basic template for a four-week pull up program for those of all skill levels. If you would like a more detailed workout plan that would fall under personal training, which I am more than happy to do if you contact me about it.  
It does not matter what day these are done as long as you fit all three into one week.  Here are some things to think about when starting this program.
·         Give yourself some extra time to get the pull up work done.
·         Listen to your body, shoulders are a funny thing so watch how much movement you do above your head. But don't mistake sore for hurt, you will probably be sore.
·         Do shoulder mobility regularly, I will post recovery stuff for you to do I highly recommend you do the recovery work. 

·         Keep a logbook of what you exercises, sets and reps you do and how you feel.
·         Common sense people, if you do the work out "Cindy" on a Tuesday don't do a bunch of pull up work the next day. Give your shoulders a break.
·         You get out what you put in.

Week 1: Day 1
·         1RM Pull Up test
o   Test your pull up strength with out a band and record how many or how high you are able to get.
o   If you can't get any strict pull-ups with your chin above the bar, use the smallest possible band to complete a single rep. If you have to use multiple bands that fine, just find what combo of bands you need to use.

·         1 x ME
o   Next, use the next thickest band (more assistance) and do one set of as many reps as you can (ME = Max Effort) with out letting go of the bar. Remember each rep must go from full extension at the bottom to chin over the bar.
·         Recovery Work
o   4 x 12 Dumbbell rows on each arm - pick a weight you can complete all 12 reps with. If you don't know what this exercise is click here www.google.com AKA Google it.

Week 1: Day 2

·         "Negatives"
o   Let yourself down slow with chin above the bar to full extension with a 4 second count on the way down.
·         4 x 5 (1 pull up + 1 negative equals on rep)- rest 2 minutes between sets

·         Recovery Work
o   3 x 12 Band lat pull down (pull the bar down to the top of the chest and squeeze your shoulder blades together then let the bar up in a controlled manner) - rest two minutes between sets.

Week 1: Day 3
·         4 sets of…
o   20 sec static hang on the pull up bar (be sure to keep shoulders active), followed immediately by 12 ring rows. Rest 2min between each set. Use your lat's on the ring rows not your arms.

Week 2: Day 1
·         "Pyramid" 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
o   Use whatever band you have to do perform the number of repetitions. Rest 30 sec between each set.

·         Recovery Work
o   4 x 10 single arm DB rows- remember think of your hand as a hook and use your lats not your arms, rest 1min between sets.

Week 2: Day 2
·         4 x Super Set Chin up’s (palm facing you) with band lat pull downs.
o   Chin ups as many as you can get with the same band(s) used on Monday immediately after chin ups perform 18 lat band pull downs. Do this for 4 sets, rest 2min between super sets.
·         Recovery work
o   4 x 12 Rear delt fly ( medium weight = last couple reps are difficult)

Week 2: Day 3
·         50 Pull-ups in the least number of sets as possible in 10min.

·         Recovery Work
o   4 x 12 Single arm dumbbell rows add 5lbs from last time

Week 3: Day 1
·         5 x 5
o   Each rep do a negative let yourself down in a 4sec count

·         Recovery Work
o   4 x 8 DB rows - heavy

Week 3: Day 2
·         5 x 12 Band pull down
o   (heavy/medium) rest .45sec between sets

·         Recovery Work
o   Static Hold of Dumbbell; hold onto a pair of heavy dumbbells for 1min (4x)
Week 3: Day 3
·         50 pull-ups
o   As fast as possible with the least amount of assistance as possible. 10min time cap.

·         5 x 5 of negative pull ups
o   4 sec decent. Jump or stand on a box to get our chin back above the bar after decent.

Week 4: Day 1
·         4 x ME (as many pull ups as you can do)
o   Use a band that allows you to get more then 7 each time. Rest 2min in between each set.
·         Recovery Work
o   4 x 6 DB rows (heavy)

Week 4: Day 2
·         4 x 15 Band Pull down super set with 4 x 8 ring rows
o   Rest 2min between sets

Week 4: Day 3
·         Re-test your Pull-ups
·         Recovery Work
o   3 x 8 Band Pull downs
o   3 x 8 DB Rows


  1. I have read a few of the articles on your website now, and I really like your style. you are very knowledgeable. Thanks a million and please keep up the effective work. best pull up bar for home

  2. Hi there! thank you for sharing your program. Sometimes, I'm using my pro bar for the pull up program.
