Big butt a sign of health.
Before you catch feelings about what I’m about to say take a deep breath and realize I don’t care what you think I know I'm right. Good, I’m glad we got that out of the way. There is an epidemic today that is affecting millions of American’s and they don’t even know it. What is this mysterious epidemic? Very simply flat butt's, collapsed asses, small glutes or whatever you want to call it.
We’ve become a society that sit’s all day either in front of an computer or in a car. These sedentary lifestyles can lead to the weakening of important muscles and creating overactive muscles that must over compensate for those weak muscles. Most people don’t realize this until they get lower back pain.
In most people this can identified by the classic “no butt, big gut” look( yes, that is a scientific term). This look can often lead to lower back pain and it can very easily be avoided by working the muscles of the posterior chain, erctor spinea, glute’s and hamstrings.
In my opinion a true indicator or fitness, health and strength can identified buy one area, you guessed it's the butt. Let’s be honest who doesn’t appreciate a fine caboose? And who would mind having a tight firm butt? If you answered no to one or both of those questions you probably don’t have a pulse and think feet together thighs apart is sexy.
Is this Fiona Apple?
What is to blame for this well we as a society are, we sit down all day and don’t move around. Our health clubs are full of machines not free weights. Big buff Bro's pack the local gyms working out their biceps for an hour and a half and never working out there legs or lower bodies.
Nice chicken legs pansy.
All our power is derived from our hips, butt and legs. Your lower body can do so much more work then your upper body. Even the World Health Organization concluded that theres a way to quantify health through the measurements of the waist and hip (butt). The WHO says a lower waist to hip ratio is a sign of health and fertility. To get your ratio divide your waist measurement by you hip(butt) measurement.
Take for instance a waist of 32 inches and hip(butt) measurement of 42 inches. That ratio would be .76. Now take the same waist measurement 32 inches and divide it by a hip(butt) measurement of 38 inches and you get a ratio of .84. The WHO says a lower ratio is a sign of health. Simply saying take two people with the same size waist butt the person with the biggest butt is healthier. Makes perfect sense to me.
This is the best way in my book to measure health.
Now that I discovered a problem with many peoples butt's I will give you the solution to that problem. How do you get a great butt you ask? Very simple back squat two times a week. Low bar Back squat and go down below parallel as deep and as safely as you can. High bar back squats are good but high bar back squats put more of the focus on the quads and less on the posterior. Happy Squatting!
Clean and Jerk
3 x 2 @ 70 % of 1RM
2 x 2 @ 75% of 1RM
Snatch Balance
Daily WOD
7min AMRAP
Thruster 100/70
C2B pull ups
rest 10min
Team Prowler push 4min for max distance 150lbs
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