Tuesday, February 5, 2013



Tenacious is defined as, the quality of being determined to do or achieve something; firmness of purpose.

I would like to tell you a couple stories, the first story is about someone let's call Amanda. About 4 months ago Amanda was attempting to set her 1RM strict press. She finally got to a weight were she failed twice, she looked kind of beat after failing twice and asked if she should stop. 
I said one more attempt but this time I want you to go up that bar and throttle that bar shake it like you going to kill it and press that f@$&ing thing. And guess what she grabbed that bar like a boss and pressed it above her head like a champ.  Thank you Amanda
The second story comes from someone we'll call Whitney.  It 's the athlete level 1 band testing and Whitney needs to Deadlift more weight then she's ever done to get her band. She attempts the lift twice and can't get it. I see that same doubting look in her eyes that I saw in Amanda's eyes. So I said try it one more time but this time run up to that bar grab that f@&ker and lift it off the ground. And guess what she f@&$king did it.

 To Amanda and Whitney's  credit they lifted the weight I really did nothing. And as a side note I think I was more excited then they were after Amanda and Whitney made those lifts. I will come back to this point in a minute. All I did was make them set their focus on lifting that bar. They didn't think about not making the lift all the thought about was getting mad and moving that weight.

               What does stomach bile taste like with 400lbs in your hands. BTW She still makes the lift.       
I'm not really into yelling or grunting a lot outside of the times when you really need to get focused. But if I need to I will yell, grunt, throttle the bar or poop my pants I don't care. I often see people grab the bar with indifference. Those people grab the bar like they're holding a new born baby. I had a good buddy who I was team leaders with in Army and we shared a love. A love for crushing privates who showed weakness. 
 If we saw one of our soldiers show weakness by second guessing himself during a training exercise, giving up on run, ruck march or ever saying "I can't " we would smoke them (making someone exercise or hold an uncomfortable position) until we ourselves got tired. It sounds kind of sadistic but it was done for a reason. We wanted the thought and fear of getting smoked again for 40min to out weigh the fear of trying something that was hard or trying something they didn't think they could do. We we're trying to build a mental toughness, aggressiveness and tenacity.
I know lifting weights and being a soldier are not that similar but the point I'm making is that you must have a tenacity when attempting a heavy lift or attempting something that scares you. You cannot have fear, you may never have lifted that weight before and it scares you or the thought of missing the lift in front of your peers scares you. It doesn't matter whatever the weight on the bar whatever your fear might be you must attack that bar like it just robbed your house, stole your car, punched your mom in the face or called you a pussy. 
You might not be able to lift it but at least you tried your hardest. At least you left it all on the table. At least you didn't walk up to the bar like a slack jawed wimp and failed because you're mentally weak. 
There are some added benefits of attacking the bar and getting focused, what happens when get mad or pissed. You tense up, cortisol gets pushed into your system, you ball your fist and squeeze you muscles. What do I yell at some of you during a heavy lift? I yell STAY TIGHT. Lifting heavy weights takes a certain rigidity of form and muscles. You need that focus to maintain proper form and with proper form you allow all your energy to be focused into that lift. 

To get back to what I was talking about earlier. I think I was more excited about Amanda and Whitney making those lifts then they were. I've had a revelation of sorts lately. I've realized that I enjoy coaching and watching you all make big lifts and setting PR's more then I enjoy myself making big lifts .( Don't get me wrong I still love lifting heavy stuff)
     This next comment is going to sound very conceded so tap the brakes a minute while I explain. I have a confession to make, I learn things fast when it comes to movement and my body. I can watch somebody do something and then do it. I can't spell or do math well but I have a really good kinesthetic awareness. I did a muscle up the very first time I tried one, I didn't even know what is was called, I just watched a dude do one and I did it. I know, I know enough with the self given HJ.
     The fact is I like watching that imaginary light bulb go off in your heads when you get what I'm talking about. I like seeing you guys add more and more weight to the bar or do more box jumps then you thought you could. It's become clear to me that's it not about what I can do, it's about what I can teach you to do. The sense of excitement and accomplishment would be so much greater if one of you qualified for regionals then if I did.  So without sounding to sappy, thank you. Thank you for letting me coach all of you. Ok, enough with the hallmark butterfly kisses and rainbow hugs bull shit. 

P.S. Please remember those kind words when I'm yelling at you for the 10th time to pull the bar into your body on the clean.

Clean & Jerk 
2 x 2 @ 75%
2 x 2 @ 80%

Snatch balance ( demo)
1-1-1-1-1-1  ( start first rep at 70% of 1RM)

Daily Strength

Daily WOD

3 x Prowler Push 1min for total distance 250/160 ( weight includes prowler weight of 70lbs)
rest 1 min


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