Thursday, December 27, 2012

10 Truths about eating BIG

                                                                 10 Truths about eating BIG

Results are in from this cycle.  Amazing enough every body set a PR on at least two lifts which is seriously impressive. LT set a PR on all three lifts, Mike set a PR on back squat and snatch, Lisa E set a PR on snatch and back squat, Marica set a PR on C&J and Snatch and I set PR’s on C&J, back squat and my clean. Celebrate your success setting a PR is not a daily occurrence. It only gets tougher from here
I will make some slight changes to this next cycle that will help overcome the issue of receiving the bar over head in the snatch. This seemed to be a common problem amongst everyone myself included. Also with the CrossFit Open looming in the future a focus on conditioning will take the fore front. I don’t intend you all to have to cherry pick the exercises listed in the program but be smart and don’t forget what your goals are. Your conditioning takes priority.  

Over the summer and into the fall I was slugging my way through my training. I was stuck in a rut I was lucky to be gaining a measly 5 lbs or so a month on some of my lifts. It was depressing to say the least.  In December one of my personal goals was to get my body weight up to 180lbs so I had to gain about 8lbs this month. As of yesterday I completed it. It was great meeting the goal of 180lbs but the best part is what it did for my lifts. 
I really focused on eating BIG the beginning of December and in 3 weeks I gained 8lbs. In those 3 weeks I added 25lbs to my Clean and Jerk, 15lbs to my Clean, 15lbs to my power clean and 20lbs to my Jerk.  I feel like I learned a lot about my body so here is what I learned.

1 )I’ve come to the conclusion that if I want to improve my lifts quickly I must consume around 4000+ calories a day. Ok well the number is closer to 5000 calories.

2) I midsection has become soft but my shoulders are big. 

3) I cannot discriminate between foods, if I eliminate one type of food from my diet it limits my choices which in turn limits     my caloric intake and slows my progress.

4) I can’t eat like this the rest of my life. But it’s sure fun.

5) Eating “BIG” and double bicep poses are key parts to any elite strength and conditioning program.

6) Squatting 3 times a week makes you harder then wood pecker lips and gives you a great butt.

7) Olympic lifting will make to quad dominate. Do extra hamstring work to compensate.

8) During the cycle when training volume is very high the best way to get through a tough day of lifting is to eat HUGE meals prior to your lifting session. On those days I consume an extra 10% of my caloric intake.

9) Favorite meal: (second breakfast) 6 eggs, 6 slices of bacon and a bowl of oatmeal.

10) Don't be surprised if late in week three, during week four, and well into week five, you will exhibit mood changes, unusual soreness, lack of "good sleep," and will exhibit numerous other symptoms that are often associated with overtraining. A certain amount of viciousness and irritability should be expected.
               While the your psychological well-being is important, it is not the primary concern at this point in the cycle. For the competitive athlete, the performance goal must be the primary focus, not the enjoyment of a warm and fuzzy training    experience. These symptoms have been known to cause excessive consumption of Starbucks coffee, road rage, uncontrobale eye twitching and misogynistic behavior.


2 Power snatch @ 75%  + 1 OHS EMOTM for 5 min

2 Power clean @ 75% + 1 Push jerk  EMOTM for 5min

Back squat 3 x 3 @ 75%

Strict Pull ups 3 x just shy of ME(Max Effort)

3 x 10 GHD sit ups

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