Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Random thoughts

Snatch......full Snatch........squat snatch......... ahhh what's a snatch?

The more I learn about exercise and movement the more I learn that I still have a lot to learn. There are a thousand ways to do everything and anything and everyone thinks their way is best. The best thing I've learned is to be flexible and never marry yourself to one rigid way of doing something.  You must continue to learn from others, change and grow your skills. What is that old saying " the best laid plans never survive the first shot". As a coach of any sport you must be able to adapt your plans read your athletes and judge every person and situation different.

Take for instance the snatch. The snatch is highly technically and has been studied for years. But no two people have the exact same snatch. Just as every person has a different finger print every person isn't put together the same. We all have different insertion and origin points of our muscles we all have different size levers (bones). We all move differently. But with the snatch there are a couple check points or areas that we all must hit to be successful. Where we start and what we do in-between those check points doesn't matter as much as getting to those areas.

I've had this Osgoodslatters flare up in my left knee for a couple months now and it's why I haven't done the open. After babying it for a month or so I just said fuck it and started squatting again. I've come to this realization that I'm never going to feel pain free or be 100% injury free. That magical place of feeling perfect doesn't really exist (accept in 18 year olds). So why sit around and pussy foot my way around avoiding everything that hurts. You have two choices in my book; one is keep doing what you're doing, deal with it and try to fix it as you go or the second option is to stop and avoid what makes it hurt while trying to get better. Neither one is wrong I've just chosen to push through this knee problem.

 Any coach or trainer can make his athletes tired and sweaty but can you make your athletes better.


15 min to find 1RM Clean

Clean & Jerk
5 x 1 @ 85% of 1RM

Keep a look out for my next entry on the conclusion of the first squat mesocycle. Big numbers!

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